11:10 am
We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our westernsaddlefit.com website.
Around about 11:10 am today things in the shop looked pretty much like they may have looked any time in the last quite-a-few years. Rod was rawhiding a tree…
with another tree on the wall waiting to be rawhided.
There were a couple of trees waiting to be varnished as the last step in the process before being shipped out
and I was packing up some more that will wait to go to town with me tomorrow.
Under the bench were parts of trees marked out and waiting to be built
while the orders for them hung in the clips, waiting to be referred to as they are being built.
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But while a few things have been rearranged, there is one small, but very significant difference between the picture on the left, taken in October of 2016, and the one on the right, taken this morning. Can you find it?
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The large silver clip is empty. That clip has held our waiting orders, the ones not in the current line up, for many years, and even in the slowest of times, it has never been empty. (And we thank God for that - seriously!) But now it is…
OK, enough maudlin stuff. I’ll put up a good news post later this week!
I imagine this day evokes a variety of thoughts and emotions. Let me punctuate your blog with this remark: Even though you will not be putting any more trees out there, the hundreds and hundreds you have put out there will be quietly doing their work for a long time to come.. People will have your work working for them and their mounts for a lot of years. I am very grateful for all the work you have done for me and my customers over the years. You have made a very large and very important contribution to the lives and livelihoods of many people, and horses. There will be saddles built on your trees slung over a lot of backs for a lot of years. There will be a lot of work done, and a lot of fun had, as a result of your work. You haven't just made a living over the last 20 or so years; you've made a difference. Daisy and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors, and look forward to your continuing friendship. Many, many thanks Rod and Denise jt